
Monday, April 18, 2011


Lots of stuff's been going on lately. I have been wanting to do a vlog on my youtube channel, but haven't had the time. I am hoping to have a vlog up this week with some big news.......more to come

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Got my facial this morning! It was amazing.....and it was deserved for making it through the week. Next week I may just break down and have the massage, even though they aren't recommended. Made it through mu first week back on VLCD. I was up late last night trying to catch up on everyone's vlogs. I spent almost 2 hours watching ones in my que and I didn't even put a dent in it. My goal is to drink 100oz. of water today so I have a great reflection on the scale tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! It snowed here last night...BOO.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

VLCD#4 Released 1.2lbs HAPPY St. PATTY'S DAY!

I made it through the day, even though I did resist the cookies, I did have a few sugar snap peas and some grapes. Unfortunately, I did not get in enough water today! Boo..... Soo, I'm not sure what the scale will give me tomorrow. One more day and I will have conquered my first week. Although tonight for about an hour I had my first craving. YEP. The girl scout cookies were calling me. But I ignored them :)

So glad it is Friday tomorrow. I am ready for the weekend. The week has tip-toed by and I'm just done! Facial, here I come!!


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

VLCD# 3 released 2lbs!

Had another fantastic day on protocol. No cheating, no hunger, but a slight headache this evening. Went away though. I am over halfway through my week and almost to my facial reward on Saturday. I am hoping to release another 4- 5 pounds by Sunday. And I am hoping to be 220 by the end of next week. 217 is the lowest I got to in October, down from 258. I must get back there. I am shooting for onederland before this round is over. I really want to make that happen. Looking forward to a good release in the morning.

My daughters girl scout cookies came in today and I left them in my car. They are NOT allowed in the house. Of course when i ordered 4 boxes I was in a "dark place" at the time and absolutely don't want to look at them, smell them, or touch them unless it is to pass them off to the ones that bought boxes.

Oddly enough they really don't even sound good right now.....I know my heads in the game when girl scout cookies don't even sound good. But to be extra safe they are nestled safely in my car!


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

VLCD#2 Released 2.8!

Another great day on protocol. I am trying to keep myself busy and away from the TV, which is when I tend to snack mindlessly. I was hoping to not go out to dinner at all for my round, but we are going out to dinner with my husbands boss and his wife Saturday night and I completely forgot about it. We are going to PF Changs and I plan on getting a chicken and veggie dish or shrimp and veggie, so depending how I handle myself at dinner Saturday will determine if I will be rewarding myself for next weeks reward.

I am going to do a detox bath tonight....looking forward to it. And also interested to see if it affects the scale tomorrow. I cannot believe it is March already. I will be starting a new position at work in June and I am really excited. No more teaching preschool, which is a little bittersweet. I love the kids and the job, but I also love change and teaching preschool takes immense commitment and patience.

Our center just moved 2 weeks ago and our new building is awesome. It actually has a reception area that I will mainly be working in with my new job at work. Hope everyone has a great week!

Monday, March 14, 2011

VLCD#1 again.....

I cannot believe how much I let myself go! I've gained a lot since October and I have no one to blame but myself. Today went really good. I think I am at the point where I am sick of my clothes fitting tight again and I'm sick of feeling like crap. I am also sick of people saying that HHCG is worthless. If it didn't work, people would be walking around like zombies because their systems would be in starvation mode....they would barely be able to function! frustrating. Some guy on facebook really got under my skin...I was about to go off but I bit my tongue and deleted him off my friends list.

Here's the thing folks....if you are looking for support you also need to offer it and not shoot down what works for other people, just because it's not something you do. Jeez! People are so rude sometimes I just wanna flick em' in the head!!

Ok, enough of that. I am rewarding myself to an hour massage on Friday if I can make it through the week without cheating! Can't wait. I haven't had a massage in years!

Hope everyone has a great week, whatever phase you are on.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The countdown is on....

I have been planning out my weight loss plan for the next 9 weeks, 61 days to be exact. I will be doing a planned interuption in 3 weeks for my husbands birthday in April but after that it is back to the plan.

I want to get this weight off and do not want to do another round again. I have been going back and forth....should I just take my time and count calories and excercise or do HCG and get it off decision; the next 9 weeks are going to go by whether I do this or not, might as well get it over with before summer gets here. I plan on being at my goal by mid may. Thats 65 pounds. I will be cutting it very close, but typically I drop the most weight in the first week to two weeks on HCG. The first week is typically 9-12 pounds! My goal weight is 170. I have never been 170 before so I honestly don't know what to expect.

I'm a little nervous finding out what the "thinner" me looks like since I have been heavy for most of my life. It's kinda like meeting the pen pal that you know everything about and know you click with, but meeting them in person is so nerve wrecking.

I have my game plan, I have the tools to get me there.....I just need to take it day by day!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Anyone know who has motivation on sale??

Ever wish you could just run to the store and buy some motivation? I wish it was that run out, you get some more and thats that. I am mentally preparing myself to take on the week, but at the same time I keep saying one day at a time, not one week at a time!

I just need to get through the enxt 3 weeks without giving in. I have a gift certificate for a massage left from my birthday that I haven't used. I have been waiting for a good time to use it. I also have one for a mini facial I got as a Xmas gift from work. I think I am going to use one on Friday as a reward to myself for making it through the week. Then, next week I will use the other one as a reward. On the 3rd week maybe I will go get a pedi, since I really need one. That will give me something to look forward to each week!

NON-food rewards!!! I have so many cute clothes that are too small right now that if I just buckle down and suck it up, I will be able to wear them this summer.

I can do this, I can do this, I can do this.

Friday, March 11, 2011


I am starting my round again on Monday and I WILL complete the 3 week round I WILL not go out to eat one time and I WILL follow protocol for the entire 21 days! NO EXCEPTIONS. We are going away for my husbands birthday in April and I would like to be 20 pounds lighter by then. I have really been struggling with a mental argument with myself;

one side says; I think I might just count calories and excercise
The other side says; why would you do that when you can do HCG and lose twice as much in half the time?

UGH! What a struggle it is to be fat and want to be thin more than anything, yet being fat is so easy. Well, I'm done letting my fat thoughts do the talking, I'm done listening to that side, I'm going to start listening to the thin person I know is in there.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

R4 p2 vlcd#9 bad kris!

So yesterday was an epic fail...i did a video at lunch (which failed tp upload) yesterday because I was overwhelmed by all the valentines cookies, candies, cupcakes that I had to leave work for awhile...i went to the gas station, got a water and went back to work. By 5pm, I was struggling! Being the last one at work, alone with all those delicious treats pushed me over the edge. I gave in, and it wasn't pretty.

So today I am, yet again struggling. But I WILL NOT do it again. This whole process is so hard and memories of that from my first round are coming back. I did this once, I can do it again.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

R4 P2 VLCD 7- gained :(

So as you all know it was a busy weekend for me; friday night my husband and I planned on going out for a steak, however everywhere we went was a huge wait. So we ended up going to a Mongolian BBQ place where you fill your bowl up with veggies and meat, noodles if you want, (although I did not have any noodles) and they stir fry it on the huge grills. I expected a gain Saturday morning just from all of the veggies. However I was pleased to find I released a pound!

Saturday we got up and took my daughter to her girl scouts function, went to look at new tires for my car, ran a few errands and had lunch at a restaurant near the mall. I had a grilled chicken salad, didn't use much of the dressing at all, so I felt confident with that. However, later that night since we were celebrating valentines day, we went and had fajitas, no tortilla's and I did have some chips and salsa and a margarita :( After that we met my aunt for drinks and I had a beer and this coffee drink that had khalua in it. (very yummy might I add), but I had a gain this morning......2.6!!! YIKES! I should probably confess that my aunt had ordered an artichoke dip that came with bread and I had about 3 pieces :( I deserved that gain. But did great Sunday, so I am hoping I lose it by Monday morning. I will be back to do a vlog in the morning......g'nite. IT'S GANNA BE A GREAT WEEK!!!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

R4 P2 VLCD#5, Back in the 220's again!

Released 1.2!! I am totally shocked, only because we went out for Mexican last night and I got steak fajitas (minus the tortillas). I was really nervous because I wasn't sure about the oil they would be cooked in, not to mention it had onions AND green pepp's. Even though I only ate a few of the peppers and took half home. But I also had the equivalent of about 2 teaspoons of guac and about the same for sour cream. Plus some chips and salsa!! So, needless to say I was more than shocked have any release today!! Phew! We will most likely be going out to dinner again tonight and I am planning on a half a steak, since typically the smallest steak you can get is a 6oz., and some veggies. I'm really gonna try to push the water today too. So, I am at 8.8 lost for the week so far! YAY! I am hoping to lose another 2 #'s by Sunday, which will only inch me closer to my low weight in October of 217. So depending on how that goes, I will set my new goals for the upcoming week!

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend, I know I will!!! I will be back to do a vlog Monday Morning.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

R4 VLCD#3 Still in the game

Mark it on your calandar, I am still on VLCD. I repeat, I am still on VLCD! I released 2.8 this morning, YAY! I am a firm believer in my philosophy that you have to be mentally raady to take on this protocol or it doesn't work. And so far that has been the truth. The first time I did HCG I was so ready. I had just gotten back from vacation, I felt bloated, fat, uncomfortable, and ashamed of myself. I was so ready for a change. I think you get to a point where you get almost angry that you have to keep watching wjat you eat so closely that you go into burn-out mode. I believe thats what I did towards the end of 2010. A month ago,  I wasn't ready to take this on again. But I still have a lot of work to do becuase when I reach my goal, and I will, I can't go back to the way I used to eat!

So, it's Wednesday, halfway through the week, tomorrow is my last full day of work. Lets finish off this awesome week, shall we!! I will post a video tomorrow morning :)


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Should I dare say it......

...I'M LOADING!!!! Yep! Sunday is my second day of loading. Needless to say I am thinking this first week, which typically tends to be the hardest, will be somewhat easier than normal because I have been sick for 3 weeks now and haven't had much of an appetite. Went to the store today, got my apples and oranges and lettuce for the week. We bought a new car today WOOHOO! We have been car searching for 3 weeks and finally found something we liked. We were purposely being picky because we wanted something reliable, not too expensive, not too old, relatively low miles, good gas mileage and one that actually started! You wouldn't believe the amount of cars we went to test drive that wouldn't even start! So frustrating!! I digress......So I am back on the juice, or the pellets I should say. I bought the pellets last time, did them for all of 3 days and then I stopped.

I am extremely motivated now. We are going to Vegas for a quick weekend for my hubby's b-day in April and I would love to be 30 pounds lighter by then. That would mean that when we go I would be 60 pounds lighter than when we went last year!!! I would be so happy. And I can do it! So I am getting everything in order....I am making my goal sheet, my daily weight chart and I will get through the next 8 weeks. So operation VEGAS officially starts Monday.

My husband went back to work last week, we discovered we are getting a good amount in taxes back because I am a full time student and qualified for numerous credits, and we decided we are going to spend Christmas in Disneyland this year. It's going to be a great week! I recorded a video Friday that I haven't finished editing yet, but I will be doing that here shortly. Here are my goals for  myself this week:

  1. Record a video each morning keeping myself accountable.
  2. Drink as much water as I can. (I struggle with this one)
  3. Stick to protocol.
  4. Lose 7 pounds
I am 17 pounds above my lowest weight on drops, which was back in October. This round will be from the 7th of Feb., thru the 31st of March. That is 52 days, so my goal is to lose 45 pounds. That would put me at 182. That is only 12 pounds off from my goal weight!! I am making it my mission to be 199 by the 14th of March!! Lets see if I can do it :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 1 Atkins Induction-235.6! Yikes!

Yep, I said that right, ATKINS! There have only been 3 diets that I have done in my life that actually worked, Weight Watchers, Atkins and HCG. Weight Watchers is for patient people, I'm not one of them. Atkins and HCG both work exceptionally fast. Since I am in burn out mode with HCG, I will have to alternate between the two. I am planning on doing atkins for 8 weeks and then doing a round of HCG. I am hoping to be at 199 by the end of March so that I can start a round of HCG by April 1st and finish off my weight loss.

The scale has gone up a lot since my last round of HCG. Thats what happens when you don't try, like I did. My goal is to excercise 3 times a week for the first 2-3 weeks and progress to 4-5 times a week until the end of the 8 weeks of Atkins. Here is my menu for today:

Breakfast: Hard boiled egg, string cheese
Snack- celery with ranch
Lunch- Chef salad
Dinner- ?

Today's ganna be a great week!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

My weekend.....

...was a DISASTER!!! Cheating, cheating, cheating. Shame on me! GGRRRR! I cannot get into the habit of being awesome during the week and aweful on the weekends....thats NOT okay with me. I am so freakin' mad at myself, I don't know whats wrong with me. It's like I validate the resoning at the time and the next day I realize it was the worse decision ever. Christ on a corn dog, I will never reach my goal if I keep this up.....

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Holy Moley! 5 pounds lost in 1 day!

Okay, I'm fairly certain it was water weight, but even with the best diets of done I've never eliminated that much water weight in a single day! HCG ROCKS! In fact Even while on HCG for the first time I never lost that much in a day.I am super proud of myself that I was able to stick to protocol exactly and I even forgot to eat one of my fruit!

Day 2 here I come! I am BACK finally.

Monday, January 3, 2011

HELLO 2011!

Wow! The holidays came and went and man, it was a whirlwind! I am happy to be dedicating this year to losing all this unwanted weight once and for all! I have a goal in mind and it may sound like a steep one, but here it goes. I am planning on doing an 8 week round and my goal is to lose 60 pounds. That will get me within 7-10 pounds of my goal of 170. Come on Kris, whats 8 weeks of your life, seriously!!? I have to prove to myself that I can do this!!