
Monday, January 10, 2011

My weekend.....

...was a DISASTER!!! Cheating, cheating, cheating. Shame on me! GGRRRR! I cannot get into the habit of being awesome during the week and aweful on the weekends....thats NOT okay with me. I am so freakin' mad at myself, I don't know whats wrong with me. It's like I validate the resoning at the time and the next day I realize it was the worse decision ever. Christ on a corn dog, I will never reach my goal if I keep this up.....

1 comment:

  1. Weekends are by far the hardest for me to stick to the protocol. Hey if you want my cell number you can text me and me you and we can keep each other accountable during the day. Keep going, I know you can accomplish your goal♥
