
Sunday, November 28, 2010

R3 P2 VLCD #3- Weight 227.4

Wierd thing happened this morning, I usually get up between 6:30 and 7am every morning to let my dogs outside and feed them. This is usually when I weigh myself. SO I did and I weighed 229 even, which was a .8 loss from yesterdays weight. I then decided to go back to bed, which I rarely do. And at 9am I woke up and thought, I'm going to weigh myself again just to see what it says. To my surprise the scale said I had lost another 1.6! How is that even possible!? Guess I needed that extra sleep. So my total loss for day 3 was 2.4! YAY! I am still 10 pounds above my lowest weight after round 2 :( I'll get there again!

1 comment:

  1. I've had that happen a few times too. I don't understand how it happens, but am sure glad it does! Keep up the great work!!
